What you will need in order to download the Free Bookkeeping Forms
If you purchased the perfect bound copy or Amazon Kindle or Barnes & Nobel Nook of How to Open Your Own In-Home Bookkeeping Service 3rd or 4th Edition, we had to change the way the forms were accessed due to security reasons. When there was a direct link accessing the file for an immediate download the website and file itself became vulnerable to web attacks that could manipulate the file and its contents with installed threats so we had to secure it through a members login portal.
In order to get to the portal you will need to:
1. Contact Us with your proof of purchase showing which edition you purchased and where it was purchased from. The forms are different per edition. If you rented your book from a local library, please provide a copy of your library receipt.
2. Once we receive the proof of purchase, you will receive an email with a coupon code and direct link on how to get your forms. You will be ale to checkout using the shopping cart which will reduce the cost to $0.00. You will only need your e-mail address to checkout so you can login to your newly created members account to access your forms from the dashboard.
3. You will have instant access in a members area to download your forms whether individually or on a zip file.
4. Your login access will not expire. Should you lose your files or your computer crashes, you can always login again and download the forms.
When emailing us it also helps brighten someones day if you say please…
Unfortunately due to the increase number of sites including E-Bay that have illegal downloads of our PDF book, we can no longer allow a coupon code to anyone without proof of purchase or library rental.
If you purchased an electronic copy from any other site besides Amazon, Barnes and Nobel or our publishers website, I sympathize with you but any other sellers or freeware sites are not authorized to sell or allow free electronic downloads of our books. If you cooperate with us and send all of the information on your purchase or free download so that we can take proper action we may provide you with access to the forms. If not, and you want the forms, you must pay for them on our website.
You can send your unauthorized purchase information to: Julie Aydlott, CFE
Your members account access is limited to 10 minute increments due to security reasons. If you are on a page that has forms which you are trying to download and the page is inactive for over 10 minutes you will get an error message that says
<Error> <Code>AccessDenied</Code> <Message>Request has expired</Message> <X-Amz-Expires>600</X-Amz-Expires> <Expires>2018-09-21T09:08:58Z</Expires <ServerTime>2018-09-21T09:10:41Z</ServerTime> <RequestId>905001BFB580901E</RequestId><HostId>
VBd/f1SxEsuW3XM15ruPBOHp5NgQPb7jh8D/qNrKhQCPfZ+wf6TCzDwILGUrmR0iPIDrYvDs0Zo= </HostId> </Error>”
This error means that you need to refresh your page and you will once again have full access to download the files.
If you have other error messages such as “Content Restricted” this means that your account does not have access to this particular content. If you know you should have access to it from your purchase, please e-mail us ASAP and we will take care of you!
Your online membership access to your login account dashboard will not expire as long as our website is active. Should our website ever close or be shut down, we will notify all of our customers via E-mail giving them the opportunity to download their files if they have not. The video customers will have the opportunity to get the physical DVD/CD at a minimal cost as the online video package is only viewable by streaming.
If you ordered your book directly from us, your download information is located on your billing receipt as well as in the thank you link after your purchase including account login information to access your files on the dashboard. If you lost this information, e-mail us with your order number at julieaydlott@gmail.com to request the download information. If you ordered your book through Amazon as a perfect bound or Kindle edition, you must e-mail us with your Amazon or Kindle order receipt and we will send you the link and download code to access your files. You must have your order receipt to receive the download code. You will not get the code without confirmation and proof of purchase.
Update 11/21/17 – Due to the increase in sites that have allowed illegal downloads of our PDF book, we will not allow a coupon code to anyone without a receipt. If you received a free Kindle download or shared download from your Kindle, email us with that confirmation and you will get access to your forms. If you purchased your book from a re-seller, E-bay or otherwise, email us your receipt. If you downloaded the PDF for free on any site, you WILL NOT receive the coupon code as you downloaded a copyright protected book that the site owner illegally provided to you for free. If you purchased an E-book from any third party site and it wasn’t a kindle or nook, then your E-book purchase is unfortunately illegal and you will not get the coupon code unless certain circumstances are met. Those include – providing the website address, copy of the purchase receipt, charge-back request against the purchase and any contact email or information you receive from the site owner so we can sue them. If you provide everything requested to help combat illegal downloads of copyright protected work, then we at our discretion will work with you too.
We are glad to replace any e-book files that you have lost even if they are a few years old! Just e-mail us a request with your order number, or even the e-mail address that you used to purchase your e-books with and we can look you up. An additional download link will be send to you as soon as we verify your order.
I answer everyone’s questions before and after they buy my books. If there is a question you are stuck on, I will respond. Sometimes it take me a few days as I still have clients and am busy as well, but will do whatever I can to help.
First, my book doesn’t offer you instant millions, you have to work to earn the money. Also, I don’t require money up front, you are purchasing a product. The book informs you on what you need to offer your clients, what reports and how to create them, examples and spreadsheets, and the best resources to find clients. It does not guarantee that you will be independently wealthy, it is an educational tool that helps you operate your own bookkeeping service. I do also strongly feel that you have to be interested in the field of bookkeeping and accounting, and if your just looking for a easy, not a lot of effort and work home based business, this would not be right for you. It takes time and dedication.
Thank you for your enquiring regarding my book, unfortunately it is not in our policy to give out free copies due to the cost to publish and advertise the books. To answer your question if the book will honestly help you, I can tell you that No, it will teach you and show you the steps, but only you can help yourself.
(REPLY) I can only say one thing and that is THANK YOU for your HONESTY. It was quite abrupt. You have a nice day Ms. Mucha..
The only part of the book that would not work without the proper tools in Canada would be the accounting software that you choose to use. The principals in bookkeeping are the same, however with the US and Canadian exchange rate conversion, that would be my only concern. QuickBooks does have a Canadian version as well as a similar Certified Pro Advisor program.
As long as it doesn’t get too time consuming for me to drop my workload, I am happy to answer questions. If you have additional QuickBooks questions, there is a wonderful website forum located at www.quickbooksusers.com you can post your questions and hundreds of QuickBooks users are their to post their reply.