Add Internal Control Reviews to your Service!
- Bookkeepers! Protect your work from fraud allegations and protect your clients from employee theft by adding another service to your resume by helping the small business owners set up cost effective and simple to use internal controls to protect their business!
- The average hourly rate for setting up internal controls is $60.00 per hour for bookkeepers, $85.00 per hour for Accountants and $125 per hour for CPA’s. Depending on the complexity of the client, a small business bookkeeper can provide simple and cost effective internal control system for their clients while adding to their monthly revenue.
- Vitalics is an affordable system of internal control forms created for smaller businesses. Not only will it help your clients, it will help a self-employed bookkeeper or accountant who is doing primarily full charge bookkeeping work by protecting their work papers and making the client as well as the bookkeeper aware of reconciliations, vendor bills paid, customer payments, payroll, inventory and financial reporting. It is a tool that you can’t afford to be without.
Vitalics Internal Control Forms
- Easily modify forms and checklists in Word and Excel
- Modify PDF forms in Adobe
- Forms can be modified in Mac or Windows operating systems
- Includes 10 bookkeeping control categories
Vitalics™ includes over 140 Forms and Checklists that you can easily customize to fit your business. Categories Include
- Accounts Payable
- Accounts Receivable
- Fixed Assets
- Cash
- Payroll and HR
- Purchasing and Inventory
- Financial Reporting
- Vitalics Reconciliation Forms
- Risk Assessment Form
- Internal Control Template

Become a Vitalics Consultant! To learn more click here! Please read the Vitalics System Requirements to see if your computer system is compatible.
Vitalics Internal Control Forms
Forms and resources included by link
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Vitalics Internal Control Forms
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